Source code for

from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, cast

from lxml import etree
from lxml.etree import _Element as lxmlElement

from import ReadHrefModifier, read_text

[docs] class XmlElement: """Thin wrapper around `lxml <>`_ etree.Element with some convenience functions.""" def __init__(self, element: lxmlElement): """Creates a new ``XmlElement`` by wrapping an ``lxml.etree._Element``. Args: element (lxmlElement): The ``lxml`` element to wrap. """ self.element = element
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=100) def find(self, xpath: str) -> Optional["XmlElement"]: """Find a child ``XmlElement`` by xpath. Args: xpath (str): The xpath to use for search. Returns: Optional[XmlElement]: The found element, or None if not found. """ node = self.element.find(xpath, self.element.nsmap) return None if node is None else XmlElement(node)
[docs] def find_or_throw( self, xpath: str, get_exception: Callable[[str], Exception] ) -> "XmlElement": """Find a child ``XmlElement`` by xpath, or throw an exception if not found. Args: xpath (str): The xpath to use for search. get_exception (Callable[[str], Exception]): A callable that builds the exception to be thrown when the xpath does not match any elements. Returns: XmlElement: The child xml element identified by the xpath. Raises: Exception: If no element is found. """ result = self.find(xpath) if result is None: raise get_exception(xpath) return result
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=100) def findall(self, xpath: str) -> List["XmlElement"]: """Finds all children that match the given xpath. Args: xpath (str): The xpath to use for search. Returns: list[XmlElement]: The found elements. """ return [XmlElement(e) for e in self.element.findall(xpath, self.element.nsmap)]
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=100) def find_text(self, xpath: str) -> Optional[str]: """Finds an element by xpath and returns its contained text. Args: xpath (str): The xpath to use for search. Returns: Optional[str]: The text inside of the found element, or None if the element was not found. """ node = self.find(xpath) return None if node is None else node.text
[docs] def find_text_or_throw( self, xpath: str, get_exception: Callable[[str], Exception] ) -> str: """Finds an element by xpath and returns its contained text, or throws an error if no element is found. Args: xpath (str): The xpath to use for search. get_exception (Callable[[str], Exception]): A callable that builds the exception to be thrown when the xpath does not match any elements. Returns: Optional[str]: The text inside of the found element, or None if the element was not found. Raises: Exception: If no element is found. """ result = self.find_text(xpath) if result is None: raise get_exception(xpath) return result
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=100) def find_attr(self, attr: str, xpath: str) -> Optional[str]: """Finds and returns an attribute of an element. Args: attr (str): The attribute name. xpath (str): The xpath of the element to find. Returns: Optional[str]: The value of the attribute, or None if the element was not found. """ node = self.find(xpath) return None if node is None else node.get_attr(attr)
@property def text(self) -> Optional[str]: """Returns the text of this element. Returns: Optional[str]: The text value of this element, decoded as utf-8 if necessary, or None if there is no text. """ if isinstance(self.element.text, str): return self.element.text elif isinstance(self.element.text, bytes): return str(self.element.text, encoding="utf-8") else: assert self.element.text is None return None
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=100) def get_attr(self, attr: str) -> Optional[str]: """Returns the value of a given attribute of this element. Args: attr (str): The name of the attribute. Returns: Optional[str]: The value of the attribute, or None if the attribute is not present on this element. """ return cast(Optional[str], self.element.get(attr, None))
[docs] @classmethod def from_file( cls, href: str, read_href_modifier: Optional[ReadHrefModifier] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> "XmlElement": """Reads an XmlElement from an href. Optionally modifies the href with ``read_href_modifier``. Uses :py:meth:`` to read the text. Args: href (str): The href to read. read_href_modifier (Optional[:class:``]): An optional callable that will be used to modify the href. Defaults to None. Returns: XmlElement: The read XmlElement. """ text = read_text(href, read_href_modifier, **kwargs) return cls(etree.fromstring(bytes(text, encoding="utf-8")))