Source code for stactools.core.copy

import logging
import os
import warnings
from typing import Optional, Union

import fsspec
from fsspec.core import split_protocol
from fsspec.registry import get_filesystem_class
from pystac import Catalog, CatalogType, Collection, Item
from pystac.utils import is_absolute_href, make_absolute_href, make_relative_href

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def move_asset_file( owner: Union[Item, Collection], asset_href: str, asset_subdirectory: Optional[str] = None, copy: bool = False, ignore_conflicts: bool = False, ) -> str: """Moves an asset file to be alongside its owner. Args: owner (Item or Collection): The PySTAC Item or Collection to perform the asset transformation on. asset_href (str): The absolute HREF to the asset file. asset_subdirectory (str or None): A subdirectory that will be used to store the assets. If not supplied, the assets will be moved or copied to the same directory as their owner. copy (bool): If False this function will move the asset file; if True, the asset file will be copied. ignore_conflicts (bool): If the asset destination file already exists, this function will throw an error unless ignore_conflicts is True. Returns: str: The new absolute href for the asset file. """ owner_href = owner.get_self_href() if owner_href is None: raise ValueError( f"Self HREF is not available for {owner}. This operation " "requires that the HREFs are available." ) # TODO this shouldn't have to be absolute if not is_absolute_href(asset_href): raise ValueError("asset_href must be absolute.") owner_dir = os.path.dirname(owner_href) fname = os.path.basename(asset_href) if asset_subdirectory is None: target_dir = owner_dir else: target_dir = os.path.join(owner_dir, asset_subdirectory) new_asset_href = os.path.join(target_dir, fname) if asset_href != new_asset_href: dest_protocol = split_protocol(new_asset_href)[0] fs_dest = get_filesystem_class(dest_protocol)() op = None if fs_dest.exists(new_asset_href): if not ignore_conflicts: raise FileExistsError("{} already exists".format(new_asset_href)) else: if copy: def _op1(dry_run: bool = False) -> None: "Copying {} to {}...".format(asset_href, new_asset_href) ) if not dry_run: fs_dest.makedirs(os.path.dirname(new_asset_href), exist_ok=True) with, "rb") as f_src: with, "wb") as f_dst: f_dst.write( op = _op1 else: source_protocol = split_protocol(asset_href)[0] if source_protocol == dest_protocol: def _op2(dry_run: bool = False) -> None: "Moving {} to {}...".format(asset_href, new_asset_href) ) if not dry_run: fs_dest.makedirs( os.path.dirname(new_asset_href), exist_ok=True ) fs_dest.move(asset_href, new_asset_href) op = _op2 else: def _op3(dry_run: bool = False) -> None: "Moving {} to {}...".format(asset_href, new_asset_href) ) if not dry_run: fs_source = get_filesystem_class(source_protocol)() fs_dest.makedirs( os.path.dirname(new_asset_href), exist_ok=True ) with, "rb") as f_src: with, "wb") as f_dst: f_dst.write( fs_source.delete(asset_href) op = _op3 if op is not None: op(dry_run=False) return new_asset_href
[docs] def move_asset_file_to_item( item: Item, asset_href: str, asset_subdirectory: Optional[str] = None, copy: bool = False, ignore_conflicts: bool = False, ) -> str: """Moves an asset file to be alongside an item. Args: item (Item): The PySTAC Item to perform the asset transformation on. asset_href (str): The absolute HREF to the asset file. asset_subdirectory (str or None): A subdirectory that will be used to store the assets. If not supplied, the assets will be moved or copied to the same directory as their item. copy (bool): If False this function will move the asset file; if True, the asset file will be copied. ignore_conflicts (bool): If the asset destination file already exists, this function will throw an error unless ignore_conflicts is True. Returns: str: The new absolute href for the asset file. """ warnings.warn( "'move_asset_file_to_item' is deprecated. Use 'move_asset_file' instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return move_asset_file(item, asset_href, asset_subdirectory, copy, ignore_conflicts)
[docs] def move_assets( owner: Optional[Union[Item, Collection]] = None, asset_subdirectory: Optional[str] = None, make_hrefs_relative: bool = True, copy: bool = False, ignore_conflicts: bool = False, item: Optional[Item] = None, ) -> Union[Item, Collection]: """Moves an Item or Collection's assets to be alongside it. Args: owner (Item or Collection): The PySTAC Item or Collection to perform the asset transformation on. asset_subdirectory (str or None): A subdirectory that will be used to store the assets. If not supplied, the assets will be moved or copied to the same directory as the item. make_assets_relative (bool): If True, will make the asset HREFs relative to the assets. If false, the asset will be an absolute href. Defaults to True. copy (bool): If False this function will move the asset file; if True, the asset file will be copied. ignore_conflicts (bool): If the asset destination file already exists, this function will throw an error unless ignore_conflicts is True. Returns: Item: Returns an updated item or collection. This operation mutates the Item. """ if item is not None: warnings.warn( "item is a deprecated option on this function. Use 'owner' instead", DeprecationWarning, ) owner = item if owner is None: raise TypeError("move_assets missing 1 required positional argument: 'owner'") owner_href = owner.get_self_href() if owner_href is None: raise ValueError( f"Self HREF is not available for {owner}. This operation " "requires that HREFs are available." ) for asset in owner.assets.values(): abs_asset_href = asset.get_absolute_href() if abs_asset_href is None: raise ValueError( f"Asset {asset.title} HREF is not available for {owner}. " "This operation requires that the Asset HREFs are available." ) new_asset_href = move_asset_file( owner, abs_asset_href, asset_subdirectory=asset_subdirectory, copy=copy, ignore_conflicts=ignore_conflicts, ) if make_hrefs_relative: asset.href = make_relative_href(new_asset_href, owner_href) else: asset.href = new_asset_href return owner
[docs] def move_all_assets( catalog: Catalog, asset_subdirectory: Optional[str] = None, make_hrefs_relative: bool = True, copy: bool = False, ignore_conflicts: bool = False, ) -> Catalog: """Moves assets in a catalog to be alongside the item or collections that own them. Args: catalog (Catalog or Collection): The PySTAC Catalog or Collection to perform the asset transformation on. asset_subdirectory (str or None): A subdirectory that will be used to store the assets. If not supplied, the assets will be moved or copied to the same directory as their owner. make_assets_relative (bool): If True, will make the asset HREFs relative to the assets. If false, the asset will be an absolute href. copy (bool): If False this function will move the asset file; if True, the asset file will be copied. ignore_conflicts (bool): If the asset destination file already exists, this function will throw an error unless ignore_conflicts is True. Returns: Catalog or Collection: Returns the updated catalog or collection. This operation mutates the catalog or collection. """ for item in catalog.get_items(recursive=True): move_assets( item, asset_subdirectory, make_hrefs_relative, copy, ignore_conflicts ) for collection in catalog.get_all_collections(): move_assets( collection, asset_subdirectory, make_hrefs_relative, copy, ignore_conflicts ) return catalog
def copy_catalog( source_catalog: Catalog, dest_directory: str, catalog_type: Optional[CatalogType] = None, copy_assets: bool = False, publish_location: Optional[str] = None, resolve_links: bool = True, ) -> None: if resolve_links: catalog = source_catalog.full_copy() else: catalog = source_catalog.clone() catalog.set_root(catalog) dest_directory = make_absolute_href(dest_directory) if copy_assets: catalog.make_all_asset_hrefs_absolute() catalog.normalize_hrefs(dest_directory, skip_unresolved=not resolve_links) catalog = move_all_assets(catalog, copy=True, make_hrefs_relative=True) if publish_location is not None: catalog.normalize_hrefs(publish_location, skip_unresolved=not resolve_links), dest_directory) else: catalog.normalize_hrefs(dest_directory, skip_unresolved=not resolve_links)